Posts Tagged ‘blame’
Dear Debt Super Committee: Be a High Performance Team, Please!
Dear Members of the Debt Super Committee:
Thank you for agreeing to be a member of the Debt Super Committee. I am a small business owner very concerned about the impact of this committee on our economy, our politics and the confidence of our nation. As a political leader, I will not ask you to set aside politics as a member of the Debt Super Committee. You represent a voice of our system that wants and needs to be heard.
I do ask you to “do politics” differently between now and November 23rd when the debt-reduction plan is due. Rather than polarize and tear each other and the country down, please develop yourselves into a high-performance team.
To create a high-performing team, three characteristics need to be present: a high ratio of positive-to-negative interactions, a balance of inquiry and advocacy, and a balance of focus on self with focus on “the other.”
Ratios for the Three High-Performance Dimensions
Inquiry/Advocacy Positivity/Negativity Other/Self
High-performance teams 1.143 5.614 .935
Medium-performance teams .667 1.855 .622
Low-performance teams .052 .363 .034
(See “The Role of Positivity and Connectivity in the Performance of Business Teams: A Nonlinear Dynamics Model” by Marcial Losada, Meta Learning and Emily Heaphy, University of Michigan Business School.)
The ground work for high-performance teams is high ratios of positive-to-negative interactions. Currently the US Congress is dominated by negative interactions. Many can be identified as one of four toxic communication behaviors that kill relationships and team performance (see the work of John M. Gottman, PhD.):
- Blame – A complaint about a specific action that attacks the person’s character or personality, e.g., “What’s wrong with you?” “Can’t you understand that…?”
- Defensiveness – Turning the blame and criticism away, often back at the original criticizer, the situation or someone else. This escalates the conflict.
- Stonewalling – Cutting off communication, the silent treatment, refusal to engage, withdrawal, being reluctant to express directly what you are thinking.
- Contempt – Sarcasm, belittling, cynicism, name-calling, hostile humor, belligerence. Contempt is the most poisonous form of toxic communication because it conveys disgust and condescension. It has been found to be harmful to physical health.
Low-performance teams are characterized as having a low ratio of positive-to-negative interactions and a predominance of focus on self and advocacy. Because of the highly negative environment, these teams are unable to be creative and innovative. We, the US taxpayer, cannot afford for you, the other members of the Debt Super Committee, and later the US Congress and President, to be a low-performance team.
We will know that you are “doing politics” differently when we see you display the characteristics of a high-performance team (which are fast-acting and contagious):
- A cessation of toxic communication behaviors.
- An increase in positive interactions.
- Inquiry into the positions and concerns of “the other.”
- Advocacy for the positions and concerns of “the other.”
You have a large and historic task in front of you. Much of the rhetoric surrounding you is cynical and expects you to be partisan and to fail. Right now, as indicated by US public opinion polls and by the volatility of the stock markets, you come to the task already judged as a low-performing team.
Prove us wrong!
Originally signed,
Judith B. MacBrine, Owner
The Mirror Group
Addressed and mailed to each member of the Debt Super Committee:
- Rep. Jeb Hensarling of Texas (Republican and committee co-chair)
- Sen. Patty Murray of Washington (Democrat and committee co-chair)
- Rep. Chris Van Hollen of Maryland (Democrat)
- Sen. Jon Kyl of Arizona (Republican)
- Sen. John Kerry of Massachusetts (Democrat)
- Sen. Pat Toomey of Pennsylvania (Republican)
- Sen. Max Baucus of Montana (Democrat)
- Sen. Rob Portman of Ohio (Republican)
- Rep. Xavier Becerra of California (Democrat)
- Rep. Dave Camp of Michigan (Republican)
- Rep. James Clyburn of South Carolina (Democrat)
- Rep. Fred Upton of Michigan (Republican)